Early abortion

Have you fallen pregnant quite recent, then the abortion treatment is also called early abortion (‘overtijdbehandeling’ in Dutch, which literally translates to ‘overdue treatment’). This is a legal term, which means that no doctor’s referral is required and you are exempt from the 5 day mandatory consideration period.

How many days overdue?

For an early abortion, on the day of treatment, you can be pregnant for a maximum of 6 weeks and 2 days, calculated from the first day of your last menstruation. This means that you can be ‘late’ for a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 16 days.
The doctor will use an ultrasound scan to determine if your pregnancy is within this term. If it appears that your pregnancy exceeds this period, then the doctor cannot treat you. You must first conclude the 5 day mandatory consideration period.
If your pregnancy is too recent (< 5 weeks) and the ultrasound scan does not (clearly) show a pregnancy, usually the doctor cannot perform any treatment. We will book you a new appointment.

The early abortion treatment can be an abortion pill or suction curettage (vacuum aspiration).